ction can spread rapidly. ・The elderly and those with underlying health condit…
ここから本文です。 |
ction can spread rapidly. ・The elderly and those with underlying health condit…
inuing to spread. In Gifu, the number of infections is increasing steadily, an…
ing the spread of infections! Continue to practice the fundamentals of preven…
已决定解除对本县的「蔓延防止等重点措施」(2022.3.17) 已决定解除 3月 21日为止适用于本县的「蔓延防止等重点措施」。 迄今为止从未经历…
e further spread of infections”. (March 17, 2022) It has been decided to li…
for a “Re-Spread of Infection” Crisis (Extract) April 22, 2022 Current…
担忧。 〇伴随「蔓延防止等重点措施」解除,而感染防护意识松懈 〇下周将迎来在前年和去年感染扩大的 5.1黄金周 各位县民,为了保护自己和亲爱的…
ng pag-spread ng infection. Dahil dito, nag-aalala na: ○ Humina ang pag-i…
tinues to spread throughout the prefecture amongst all age groups. In addition…
The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection continues to be unstoppable. The number…
COVID-19 spread at an unprecedented scale and speed, and following its peak i…
能将以前所未有的规模蔓延。 1.过去 2年扩大感染的冬季正式到来 2.边境措施的放宽加上年末年初,人们将有更多的聚会机会 3.新冠肺炎和季节性流感病…
ンフルエンザとの同時流行が懸念される こと 今一度、以下の取組みを徹底し、「感染対策の徹底」と「社会経済 活動の回復」の両立に向け、引き続き「オール岐阜…
nues to spread, as it did during the previous two winters. 2. As well as the…
インフルエンザ が流行入りし、新型コロナとの同時流行となるなど、全体としての医 療の負荷は減少しておらず、「いつもなら普通に受けられる医療もす ぐには受け…
ackle the spread of COVID-19. In January, for the first time in 3 years, an ep…
nting the Spread of COVID-19 following measures as a united effort in order to …
季节进入了季节性流感流行期,与新冠病毒 同步流行,所以医疗整体的负荷没有减少,「无法获得通常可以获得的 医疗服务」这种严峻的情况也在持续。 鉴于这种情况…
ackle the spread of COVID-19 were necessitated by rising cases to prevent medi…
creased spread of infection, such as going to crowded places and places with…