for free 英語 2022年10月1日から 自転車のルールが変わります ○ 自転車保険に必ず加入する必要があります 坂道を下ってきた小学5年生の…
ここから本文です。 |
for free 英語 2022年10月1日から 自転車のルールが変わります ○ 自転車保険に必ず加入する必要があります 坂道を下ってきた小学5年生の…
From May 8th, COVID-19 will be ranked as a Category 5 infectious disease, the …
Countrywide, COVID-19 is continuing to spread. In Gifu, the number of infectio…
It has been decided to lift the Gifu Prefecture’s designation as a “special me…
Preparing for a “Re-Spread of Infection” Crisis (Extract) April 22, 2022 …
March 2022, Gifu Prefecture Always! Stay silent when eating and Wear masks!
COVID-19 Do what you can to lower cases and prevent the virus from rapidly sp…
Avoid activities with a high risk of infection, such as parties associated with …
In Gifu prefecture, the week from Sunday 21st of August to Saturday 27th of Augu…
Gifu Prefecture Stay silent when eating and wear masks when talking. Wear …
The 7th wave of COVID-19 spread at an unprecedented scale and speed, and follo…
The rapid spread of COVID-19 infection continues to be unstoppable. The number…
Since the beginning of November, although few variant cases have been identifi…
COVID-19 Infection Control Measures Checklist (for home use) Yes No Managin…
Walang tigil ang mabilis na pagkalat ng COVID-19 infection. Ang bilang ng mga ba…
The number of new daily cases of COVID-19 in Gifu Prefecture is approaching th…
On December 23rd, Gifu Prefecture issued the “Announcement of the Strengthenin…
On the 23rd of December last year, Gifu Prefecture issued the “Announcement of…
In line with government policy, an attachment detailing the approach to mask w…
E n j o y t h e H o l i d a y s b y Ta k i n g P r o t e c t i v e M e…