can do so online by scanning the QR code on the right. Gifu City group vacci…
ここから本文です。 |
can do so online by scanning the QR code on the right. Gifu City group vacci…
g □Use online shopping. □Go by yourself or with few people during non-busy…
i □Mag-online shopping □Mamili ng mag-isa at pumili ng oras na kaunti lang …
tância ou on line Uso do transporte público □Converse pouco □Evite o hor…
応援は、十分な距離かオンライン 公共交通機関の利用 □会話は控えめに □混んでいる時間帯は避けて □徒歩や自転車利用も併用する …
phone or online) Gifu City *If you measure your temperature and find that you…
can do so online by scanning the QR code on the right Gifu City group vacci…
c sự kiện online, tại nhà của bạn cùng người thân trong gia đình.
す ご す 、オンラインのイベントに参加 さ ん か するなどの新 あたら しい楽 たの しみ方 かた を検討 けんとう すること。