0106 Other viral diseases その他のウィルス疾患 0107 Mycoses 真菌症 0…
ここから本文です。 |
0106 Other viral diseases その他のウィルス疾患 0107 Mycoses 真菌症 0…
at places other than evacuation centers such as a relative or friend’s house. 2…
o fill in other boxes as necessary). 太枠内を記入し、提出してください。 (それ以外の枠は、必要に応じて記入することもで…
o fill in other boxes as necessary). 太枠内を記入し、提出してください。 (それ以外の枠は、必要に応じて記入することもで…
people or other animals ・・・etc. By obeying the rules, we’ll aim to mak…
Mobile Other ( ) Address ※If you are not a person listed or member of their…
(See the other side of this form) 傷病名及び国民健康保険用国際疾病分類番号 00003.Date of First …
n days. Other cities’ designated garbage bags as well as colored bags are not …
ふりがな ※Other information / その他 記入事項 Name / 氏名 …
(See the other side of this form) 傷病名及び国民健康保険用国際疾病分類番号 3.Date of First D…
urants or other establishments which do not take appropriate measures to preve…
ol, or to other places) Countermeasure Against Novel Coronavirus Infection …
る資料は次のリンク(Other languages)をご覧ください。 Other languages(外部リンク) PDFファイルをご覧いた…
ith three other friends. On the same day that evening, she again went to a kar…
s, or any other situation involving eating/drinking with large numbers of peop…
準型 × ※Other(Material) その他 Panoramic パノラマ × Models スタディモデル ※9…
× ※Other(Material) 0その他 Panoramic パノラマ × Models スタディモデ…
○ On the other hand, it also indicates that it is important to continue taking …
lp each other out, which is an attitude that has remained unchanged over the y…
bers, and other factors. We hereby request that all prefectural residents cont…