tion. Non-sharp medical goods intended for household consumption (IV tubes, …
ここから本文です。 |
tion. Non-sharp medical goods intended for household consumption (IV tubes, …
・B?n co non ho?c c?m th?y bu?n non khong? 嘔吐や吐き気がありますか Co / Khongはい・いいえ ・B…
コレステロールまたはNon-HDLコレステロール 血液検査:肝機能14)AST(GOT) 15)ALT(GPT) 16)γ‐GT(γ‐GTP) 血液検査:血…
・Avoid “non-urgent and unnecessary travel between prefectures” as much as poss…
g a mask (non-woven mask that fits tightly, there should be no gaps between it a…
はい・いいえ Non/ bu?n non[嘔気・嘔吐] Non m?a ho?c bu?n non lien t?c嘔吐や吐き気が続いている Co / …
el: Avoid non-urgent and unnecessary travel between prefectures as much as po…
:00PM. <Non-certified business branches> (3) Shortening of opening hours to …
tionary Non-portable game console Portable game console ETC onboard unit…
ng Mask (Non-woven mask, tight sealed ang bibig at ilong) Kalinisan sa Kama…
el: Avoid non-urgent and unnecessary travel between prefectures as much as po…
※1 非差別・・・non-discrimination ※2 平和及び非暴力的文化の推進・・・promotion of a culture of peac…
le during non-busy times. □Use electronic payment methods. □Make a plan of…
Oとは、非営利組織(Non-Profit Organization)の頭文 字を取ったものです。主として特定の社会課題の解決を使命とした活動を行う団体で、特 …
idance of non-urgent and unnecessary travel to special measures districts, etc…
wearing a non- woven mask and avoiding coming into contact with those with a hi…
susuot ng non-woven mask at pag-iwas sa pakikipag-ugnayan sa mga taong may mat…
い ごみ 英語 Non-burnable waste 中国語(簡体字) 不燃?? タガログ語 Hindi Nasusunog na Basura …