e certain goods that cannot be sent depending on what country you are sending th…
ここから本文です。 |
e certain goods that cannot be sent depending on what country you are sending th…
r support goods The cost of support goods such as corsets that a medical instit…
犯著作权的盗版或复制商品 象牙等华盛顿条约规定的禁止交易的动植物加工品 使用锂电池的制品 锂电池常用于摄像机等。 有些国家可以接受邮寄锂电池入境,如满足…
original goods Cormorant Fishing on the Nagara River Museum (Nagaragawa Ukai…
dangerous goods, etc. Eligible devices Cell phones PHS devices Laptop co…
ement for goods needed in everyday life Special toilet, special bed, etc. The u…
いぞくばん)やコピー商品(しょうひん) 作(つく)るための正(ただ)しい手続(てつづ)きをしていない、コピーした本(ほん)や物(もの) 「ワシントン条約(…
lmost all goods and services. Other Inheritance tax, gift tax, business tax, b…
上门推销的推销员签订商品购买合约时,在一定期间内,根据冷却期制度,可以无条件解除合约。 岐阜市消费生活中心 (本厅舍2楼/电话号码 058-214-2666…
g support goods tulad ng corset Maaaring ma-reimbursed ang iilang binayaran sa …
r support goods The cost of support goods such as corsets that a medical instit…
services Goods for low-income households with individuals requiring long-term c…
开货架或大型有重量的商品。 听从店员的指示,不要急急忙忙拥挤到紧急出口或楼梯。 剧场或大厅 在座椅之间藏身,不要急急忙忙拥挤到紧急出口或楼梯处。 地下街…
Sanitary goods (Mask, sanitizer para sa kamay, sabon, thermometer) Portable to…
Emergency goods to take with you These are the bare minimum amount of things th…
emergency goods you have. Prepare for power outages or water being cut off. Be …