temporary funds in order for them to become able to support themselves again as …
ここから本文です。 |
temporary funds in order for them to become able to support themselves again as …
y support funds, end of the year community support, etc. Recreation events such…
かつ)福祉(ふくし)資金(しきん)貸付(かしつけ) 生活(せいかつ)に必要(ひつよう)なお金(かね)や、学校(がっこう)へ入(はい)るためのお金(かね)を貸(…
かふ)福祉(ふくし)資金(しきん)貸付(かしつけ)(お金(かね)を借(か)りることができます) 借(か)りることができる人(ひと) 1人(ひとり)で子(…
(母子父子寡婦福祉資金貸付) Pessoas elegíveis Mãe ou pai solo/viúvas. Razões elegíveis …
s well as funds necessary to stabilize their lives and are intended for single p…
かふ)福祉(ふくし)資金(しきん)貸付(かしつけ) 1人(ひとり)で子(こ)どもを育(そだ)てている人(ひと)へ、お金(かね)を貸(か)します。 子(こ)ど…
(母子父子寡婦福祉資金貸付) Empréstimos necessários estão disponíveis para mães/pais soltei…