国家・县的灾害时的信息提供,灾害时信息提供app的介绍 Page Number 2000172 Updated on …
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国家・县的灾害时的信息提供,灾害时信息提供app的介绍 Page Number 2000172 Updated on …
医療関係国家資格 ページ番号1004398 更新日 令和6年3月22日 印刷大きな文字で印刷 このページ…
recipient country). When mailing, fill out a dedicated label and affix it to th…
デジタル田園都市国家構想交付金 ページ番号1026401 更新日 令和6年5月9日 印刷大きな文字で印刷 …
2 国家公務員共済組合連合会 3 日本私学振興・共済事業団 4 地方公務員共済組合連合会 …
aving the country You have to file a return for the income you earned from Janu…
le in the country. Ownership Transfer Tax (national tax) This tax is levied wh…
cceptable state of living. However, this does not apply to foreign nationals. H…
者研修 介護福祉士国家試験対策講座 医療事務講習 ケアマネージャー受験対策講座 パソコン講習(入門、基礎・応用、パワーポイント、パソコン検定) マイク…
ering the country and remaining in the country after your residence status has e…
ithin the country. Contact Citizen's Affairs Division (Gifu City Hall, 1F/Tel.…
your home country and want to cancel these services, contact the Water and Sewag…
ghout the country. (You will need to add money to the card before using it) …
se from a country that has a social security agreement with Japan and has a cert…
s) of any country and over half of the country is covered in forests. There are …
ence in a country where it is spreading rapidly. Please contact the School Safe…
se calmly state 1 - 4 below Explain what happened and the situation. There…
ined as a state of not leaving the house for six months or longer. Contact Soc…
ithin the country after graduation through explaining how to search for jobs, ho…
s-focused country, promote globalism, invigorate local areas, and promote touris…