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申込書記入例【English】 (PDF 392.7KB) 申込書記入例【Chinese】 (PDF 456.4KB) 郵送をご希望の方…
itiative (English Page) ページ番号1005421 印刷大きな文字で印刷 Ab…
ent Flyer(English,Chinese,Tagalog,Portuguese,Vietnamese) (PDF 1.4MB) 自治会の組織 自治…
Let’s follow traffic rules and be polite to fellow road users, and ride sa…
The number of new daily cases of COVID-19 in Gifu Prefecture is approaching th…
On December 23rd, Gifu Prefecture issued the “Announcement of the Strengthenin…
On the 23rd of December last year, Gifu Prefecture issued the “Announcement of…
E n j o y t h e H o l i d a y s b y Ta k i n g P r o t e c t i v e M e…
In line with government policy, an attachment detailing the approach to mask w…
Consult a doctor as soon as you notice the following symptoms! 次のような症状が出たら早く…
English …
From May 8th, COVID-19 will be ranked as a Category 5 infectious disease, the …
Countrywide, COVID-19 is continuing to spread. In Gifu, the number of infectio…
Re-extension of “The Special Measures District to Prevent the Further Spread …
It has been decided to lift the Gifu Prefecture’s designation as a “special me…
Preparing for a “Re-Spread of Infection” Crisis (Extract) April 22, 2022 …
Extension of “The Special Measures District to Prevent the Further Spread of …
Demand for the Shortening of Business Opening Hours and Suspension of the Servin…