on their location. You may be charged a fee to use them if you use them after …
ここから本文です。 |
on their location. You may be charged a fee to use them if you use them after …
tc. Location Name Location Phone Gifu City Hall 40-1 Ts…
esignated location and days for you to put out your garbage. Usable garbage bag…
re born) Location Where the person registering the birth currently lives (ad…
1741 Location 40-5 Tsukasa-machi, Gifu City Minna no Mori Gifu Media Co…
oving in Location Gifu City Hall or one of its branch offices Registered by …
strategic location during the times of Saito Dosan and Oda Nobunaga in the Sengo…
splay the location that it is bound for. Make sure to look up where each bus sto…
Bank). Location Heartful Square G, 2F (directly to the east of JR Gifu Stati…
g are the location, times, and different types of certificates that can be issue…
October. Location Participating medical institutions within Gifu City How to …
January Location Participating medical institutions within Gifu City How to …
rooms Location Heartful Square G, 1F (directly to the east of JR Gifu Stati…
a nearby location or landmark.) Describe the situation in further detail. W…
name Location Tel. Bairin Jidokan 1-11 Tabata-cho, Gif…
master Location Cormorant fishing viewing boat dock Time Around 5:45pm Re…
1/3) Location Tax Collection Division Documents to bring Insurance premi…
rd at the location(s) that your municipality has designated. Where to apply …
.S. name Location Tel. Gifu 1 Daiku-cho, Gifu City 058-265-…
ltations Location Citizen Consultation Rooms Address Gifu City Hall, 2F Tel…