oods The cost of support goods such as corsets that a medical institution has d…
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oods The cost of support goods such as corsets that a medical institution has d…
oods The cost of support goods such as corsets that a medical institution has d…
s for the price of 10. * Coupon tickets have expiration dates Long-distance …
税金(ぜいきん)の値段(ねだん)や、払(はら)ったお金(かね)や、払(はら)っていないお金(かね)が書(か)いてあるもの 固定(こてい)資産税(しさ…
asset and price they were acquired for Fees ¥300/copy Up to 9 different …
ests will cost extra). Postnatal dental health checkup Please get this checkup…
days * Cost of textbooks not included Second semester Beginner 1 (…
about the cost of raising children for single parent households, etc. Days and…
is a base cost determined by the Elderly Welfare Plan. Base cost ¥6700/mo, how…
he normal cost. (You will have to pay ¥1400) Those eligible (income restrictio…
ve a high-cost medical expense certificate from your health insurance union and …
a ng high-cost medical expenses certificate mula sa kinabibilangang health insur…
ng. The cost of this insurance is split equally between the employer and emplo…