rance for the Elderly Page Number 2000107 Updated on April…
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rance for the Elderly Page Number 2000107 Updated on April…
Including the National Pension Plan Page Number 2000105 Upd…
vices for the Elderly Page Number 2000110 Updated on April…
ervation, the Environment, Hygiene Page Number 2000131 Upda…
micile in the Gifu Region Can Receive Various Public Certificates in 22 Differen…
ovided by the Prefecture and National Government During Times of Disaster, Apps …
mitted by the status of residence previously granted Page Num…
e care of the children of guardians unable to do so due to their jobs, illness, …
l seal to the bank, fill out any necessary forms and affix your seal to them, an…
ed to pay the motor vehicle tax if you own a car, light motor vehicle tax if you…
r 31st of the previous year. The amount you pay for this tax is determined base…
if any of the following apply to you If there is any change in your name, dat…
ber 2024, the child allowance system will change.) Child-rearing allowance T…
s home to the Gifu Prefectural Office and beautiful nature spots such as the cle…
llo Work (the Public Employment Security Office), an organization that assists f…
ontaining the Gifu City Chuo Library, the Community Activity Exchange Center, th…
s Bureau The Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau has jurisdiction over …
holiday, the immediately following non-public holiday weekday) The New Year's …
to inform the municipality they are living in if they are moving in or moving ou…
Work that the city performs The city performs work closely related to citizens'…