that your child is attending that you would like to transfer schools and tell th…
ここから本文です。 |
that your child is attending that you would like to transfer schools and tell th…
ns, PTAs, Children's associations, etc. If you would like further information, …
出(だ)します。 児童(じどう)扶養(ふよう)手当(てあて)(お金(かね))をもらう人(ひと) 子(こ)ども支援課(しえんか)へ行(い)って、児童(じどう…
Spouse Children Parents Grandchildren Grandparents Brothers and sisters …
ly. If a child is riding with you on a child seat on your bike, make sure they …
er) ¥100 Child (elementary school student) ¥50 Young child (not yet in element…
re of the children of guardians unable to do so due to their jobs, illness, etc.…
ou have a child Maternal and Child Health Handbook When you stop receiving…
e support children with entering elementary or junior high schools to study, ent…
よ)います。 児童(じどう)発達(はったつ)支援(しえん) 生活(せいかつ)に必要(ひつよう)なことの練習(れんしゅう)や勉強(べんきょう)をします。他…
students, children preparing to take high school entrance exams ¥100/class …
い)が悪(わる)い:小児科(しょうにか) 赤(あか)ちゃんができた:産科(さんか)、産婦人科(さんふじんか) 女性(じょせい)の病気(びょうき)など:婦人科…
内科) If a child of your's does not feel well:Pediatrician (小児科 ) If you are pre…
Can Teach Children with Foreign Nationalities Contact School Guidance Divis…
国籍(がいこくせき)児童(じどう)生徒等(せいととう)対応(たいおう)指導員(しどういん) 聞(き)くところ 学校(がっこう)指導課(しどうか)(市庁舎(し…
tificate (children, single parent households, etc.) are liable to cover this fee…
Child-Rearing Support Services Page Number 2000121 Updated …
o-teate o child allowance Taong makakatanggap ng pera Taong nag-aalaga ng ba…
Children's Play Areas (Jidokan/Jido Centers, Childcare Facility) …
ろ)があります。 こどもゾーン 長(なが)いすべり台(だい)、スーパーモービル、ボブスレー、ゴーカートなどで遊(あそ)ぶところです。 場所(ばしょ) …