us before you come. ・Tel: 058-263-1741 ・You can consult by Skype. SkypeID:g…
ここから本文です。 |
us before you come. ・Tel: 058-263-1741 ・You can consult by Skype. SkypeID:g…
one yet. You and your family may be unable to meet up with people you wish to…
263-8066 You can consult about status of residence, COVID-19,health, taxes, wel…
d dear to you. Announcement of the Strengthening of COVID-19 Measures to Pr…
d dear to you. We ask all prefectural residents to cooperate with the followi…
uest that you wear a mask when appropriate, and that you continue to follow pr…
orkday if you work at a medical institution, a facility for the elderly, or a …
sk. ・If you have a high-risk of infection and go to a crowded place, wear a …
ど きます。 あなたの家 いえ の近 ちか くの病院 びょういん がわかります。また、注射 ちゅうしゃ の時期 じ き と場所 ば …
rd dose) You can use announcements made by Gifu City, Gifu City’s webpage, th…
」 が届きます。 あなたの家の近くの病院がわかります。また、注射の時期と場所も書いてあります。 00<注射をするときに持っていくもの> ①母子健康手帳 …
th people you don't normally meet with, including at home, and/or eating with a …
th people you don't normally meet, including at home, and avoid eating and dri…
th people you don't normally meet, including at home, and avoid eating and dri…
th people you don't normally meet, including at home, and avoid eating and dri…
Do what you can to lower cases and prevent the virus from rapidly spreading …
es. ・If you feel unwell, for example, experiencing a sore throat or fever, mak…
e at. If you cannot find a medical institution/vaccination venue, please call t…
ell, do you have a family doctor who can treat you? □ □ If you do not have a…
み ますか? あなたが働 はたら いている会社 かいしゃ で申 もう し込 こ みます 市 し 役所 やくしょ で申 もう し…