Foreign language ページ番号1000045 更新日 令和5年3月16日 印刷大きな文字で印刷 …
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Foreign language ページ番号1000045 更新日 令和5年3月16日 印刷大きな文字で印刷 …
Can Speak Foreign Languages Page Number 2000118 Updated on …
Eligible Foreign nationals that have stayed in Japan for three months or longer…
link) Foreign Resident Assistance Portal Website This website provides info…
による生活相談窓口(Foreign Resident Consultation Counter) ページ番号1003544…
at handle foreign currency or post offices. Transfer methods Service windo…
外国人生活相談窓口/Foreign Resident Consultation Counter/外国人生活咨询窗口/Pangkabuhayang Konsult…
nglish Foreign Resident Consultation Counter Everyday 10:00am-12:00pm, 1:00…
resident foreign nationals Social security agreement Gifu Minami Japan Pens…
ilable in foreign languages, information on daily life, and useful websites. Pl…
dren with Foreign Nationalities Contact School Guidance Division (Gifu City…
tions for foreign residents that have concerns or are facing issues with aspects…
essons to foreign residents. Some of the following information may change, so p…
tance for foreign nationals According to Article 1 of the Public Assistance Act…
including foreign nationals) has an Individual Number (12 digit number) assigned…
convert a foreign driver's license into a Japanese driver's license, you can do …
card for foreign nationals with a period of residence of more than three months…
Welfare Foreign National Worker Consultation Window Gifu Labor Bureau, Mini…
d to help foreign workers who have questions or concerns regarding their working…