formation about COVID-19 ページ番号1012478 更新日 令和5年7月31日 印刷大…
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About COVID-19 Infections ◎If you have symptoms such as a fever and would …
Notice About Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines Gifu City Steps to Getting Vaccinate…
e Notice About Booster Shots (3rd dose) You can use announcements made by Gi…
e Notice About Booster Shots (4th dose) COVID-19 Vaccine Navi (https://v-sys.m…
t takes about 12 days from vaccination before being immune, and even immune,…
cautious about actions that could lead to an increased spread of infection, s…
tivity is about three times that of the Delta variant. ・While with the Delta v…
anything about your health that is different than normal and doesn’t feel rig…
tivity is about three times that of the Delta variant, and the number of infec…
cautious about the spread of COVID-19 during the summer break (Excerpt) ~ T…
er). About the third dose Pfizer Moderna Antibody titer (28 days after …
ease wait about 30 minutes. 〇Many people feel more symptoms on the second day …
cautious about actions that could lead to an increased spread of infection, s…
can read about Gifu City’s rules for disposing garbage in 10 different langua…
concerns about simultaneous epidemics of COVID-19 and seasonal flu. Once ag…
formation about infections in the area that you live. □Diligently wash and …
n consult about status of residence, COVID-19,health, taxes, welfare, etc. in yo…
t notices about entrance restrictions on websites, etc. ・Urge people n…